Time Travel

Photons are particles carrying energy (this is why they are also called energy carriers including gluons) that move constantly at the speed of light which is 3×10^5 km/second.

Consider that you're 18 years old and you want to travel back in time to see your childhood. (keeping in mind the limitations of not going back in time more than your age in order to avoid paradoxes).
Let's assume you aim to travel back 15 years, and somehow manage to phase through any object, rendering your body massless temporarily. If you could move at 9×10^5 km/s during this phase, it might take 5 years to reach your destination, or perhaps just a fraction of a second since time becomes relative when traveling through space-time.

Time or one second in the physical world, is determined by the duration of 9.2×10^8 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom.

Eventually, you'll end up catching the energy, which is in the form of photons, as all events are observed by photons and stored within them. You'll be able to see your past, including yourself, but you won't be able to hear anything (because photons move faster than phonons). As long as you chase the photons, you'll be able to see not only your past but also your future. However, when considering the future, you'd have to exceed the speed of light in a particular direction to catch up with those photons currently moving at the same speed as the present, based on their spin at the quantum level. Only then can you potentially see the future.