
My visualization of a Cube in the Fifth Dimension is a fifth-dimensional Hypercube analogous to a two-dimensional square, three-dimensional cube, and four-dimensional cube.
The region where the intersection of all the lines occurs may be considered as the fifth dimension, where the lines represent the space-time fabric. However, imagining this is beyond human comprehension. Still, I don't know whether it is accurate or not. I made what came into my mind because imagining the unimaginable is the only way to uncover cosmic phenomena.

According to Kaluza-Klein theory, the geometry of the extra fifth dimension could take the form of a circle, with a radius of 10^-30 cm, more precisely, the radius of the circular dimension is 23 times the Planck length, with respect to Scalar Field Theory/Scalar-tensor Theory, String Theory.

While watching Interstellar several times, during the bookshelf scene, I often wonder about the significance that place holds. Knowing that the first real image of the black hole "Messier 87" was captured in April 2019, five years after the film's release, it's intriguing to note the similarities between the black hole "Gargantua" depicted in the movie and "M87". There's a possibility that the dimensions shown in the movie could be real or close to reality.